Sunday, July 3, 2011


Welcome to Hers and His! This blog is a little project that the Mister and I thought up as a way to share a small piece of our creative world. We have been married for two years (and boy did they fly by!) and had yet to take on a really big project together. We have owned an etsy shop and have each blogged before, maybe you heard of our shop twig+bone and my blog that went along with it? Well, we had such big ideas we decided to scrap the old and start with the new and thus Hers and His was created. We are focusing more on personal creativity rather than vintage goods (oh, but there will still be a few, I couldn't go without!) and blogging together this time to give you all a peek into our little home we share with our pug Stella Bean, and share our DIY projects, art endeavors, styling, vintage finding and oh so much more! We hope you enjoy what you see!

Janae + Nate

Hi, I am Janae! I am 24 years old and co-own Hers and His with my super sweet husbs. By day I am a visual merchandiser for a large retailer but what really rings my bell is thrifting, vintage housewares, and a little arts n' crafts. I wanted to start on this journey with the mister because I wanted to share all the fun things I like to do, like crafting arrows out of felt, styling new outfits, and going on a hunt for the perfect piece of pyrex and sharing just makes it more fun! And because I just can't keep everything I make or find on these treasure hunts (and there is no way the mister would let me, anyway!) I get to use the store as a way to give you a chance at them.
 Ten fun things about me:
1. My first blog was a Xanga page back in 2002
2. I am only 5'0
3. I could eat asparagus, provolone, ice cream, and raspberries every day (but probably not together)
4. At heart, I am a 67 year old pug lady
5. I started watching Martha Stewart in the 6th grade and my heart was stolen by all things crafty
6. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday
7. My husband is my best friend
8. Seventeen was the first publication I read that propelled me into fashion, I still own my 1st copy!
9. I have an obsession with all things Swedish
10. I am obsessive about list making

Hi, I'm Nate. I'm an artist, an illustrator, a cartoonist, a designer and an  aspiring animator. My work focuses on fun characters, whimsical scenes, bold colors, love stories, nostalgia and occasionally dinosaurs. When I'm not making art, I'm just your typical rocknroller comic book geek who loves pop culture. I'm excited to have this new shop with Janae and a new place to share my art. 
Ten fun things about me:
1. I have been drawing since before I can remember
2. I play bass guitar... though not very well
3. I have actually gotten more interested in dinosaurs as I've gotten older
4. I went by Nathan until high school
5. X-Men is my favorite super hero franchise (mostly due to their 90s cartoon show)
6. I LOVE THE 90s!
7. My wife is my best friend
8. My hair flips naturally at the ends, but never did until I grew it shoulder-length
9. I love movies, but I don't think I've ever had a favorite
10. I never really even considered not being an artist

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