Saturday, September 24, 2011


These are a new purchase this week and I must say ... l-o-v-e them!

And what better to pair them with than a lavender top, blingin' headphone necklace and a panda ring? I knew I was on to something ha ha

 You know how I roll- head to toe F21

 Every now and again I through this apartment cleaning rampage where I just start purging everything. I think I make the husbs a little nervous because all of a sudden there are just bags and boxes of stuff next to the front door ready to either meet the dumpster or be donated. I have to assure him I don't touch his things :) Yesterday was the beginning of one of those rampages where all I can think about is minimalism and get so frustrated just looking at all this stuff around me. But you creative types might understand- we like pretty things! We hoard crafting supplies, even if they are just scraps, we hang on to things that we just like the way they look without a plan of what to actually do with it. So it all piles up. Usually in our spare room/studio space. And it piles up so much that you can't even maneuver in there very easily. So this morning we purged round one. Half to the trash and half to the car to be taken to Goodwill and a few bags of clothes to pawn off on my sisters. I am rolling up my sleeves and jumping right back in. I am in this to win it!

I am so serious about this I am actually taking my 5 year old magazine collection to the recycling center today. Hundreds of magazines people. Hundreds.

Happy Saturday!


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